
Meet Pia

I believe that everyone one of us can be vibrant, have a healthy body and live a fulfilling life. This starts when you know and live your life purpose.

What happens though is that our life experiences can make us unsure, distracted and disappointed. You lose connection with your real self – that essence you were born with.

You may have the desire to step into your life purpose but your circumstances hold you back. Don’t let them! 

For 15 years I struggled to find my direction in life. In high school I wanted to be an artist but my father told me I had to get a ‘real’ job. So I went into IT. 

This was a learning experience, meaning it wan’t my life purpose but I learnt many skills. These skills I use now having discovered my life purpose. 

As I moved through life I had this feeling that there was something inside me that hadn’t been allowed to develop.

 So I started my search.

I read books, reached healing modalities, attended mindset courses and learnt about belief systems. What I found worked best was talking to someone qualified to brainstorm ideas and flushed out was important to me. 

In one of the seminars I attended, I saw the transformation that a life coach can bring. I decided I wanted to help people the same way. I took the action to become a certified Life Coach with The International Coaching Federation, to provide the best coaching service possible and bring my life purpose into action – helping other people life an inspired and authentic life. 

I would love to encourage and support you to be explore, discover and then take the steps to be the person you know in your heart you are meant to be.